
What is Adapt?

Adapt is an Android Library written in Kotlin with an aim to provide a clean, well-integrated and easy-to-use experience in writing RecyclerView adapters.

It leverages Kotlin to create a typesafe DSL that makes writing Adapters simple.

Getting Started

dependencies {

Make sure you have Maven Central added as a repository. In your settings.gradle file, verify that mavenCentral() is added as a repository

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        mavenCentral() // <---- Make sure this is present

Why use Adapt?

  1. Type-safe view creation & binding
  2. Implicit Viewholders
  3. Lifecycle-Aware binding
  4. Built-in Async-Diffing

Sample Usage

Assume we have some data class Person to be shown in a RecyclerView.

data class Person(
    val name: String,
    val age: Int,
    val avatarUrl: String

Also assume we create a layout file layout_person.xml .

Now we can create a simple adapter for this using adapt:

fun createPersonAdapter() = adapt<Person> {
    create {
        // Inflating view for element
        val personBinding = LayoutPersonBinding.inflate(LayoutInflater.from(it.context), it, false)
        ViewSource.BindingViewSource(personBinding, ViewBinding::getRoot)
    }.bind { =
        binding.age.text = "Aged ${data.age}"
    }.withLifecycle { lifecycleOwner ->
        lifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
            val avatar = fetchAvatar(avatarUrl) // Some long running task required for this specific binding

While the above example uses ViewBinding, you can use DataBinding or just views for the same.

You can now submit values to the adapter created using your function.

val myData = listOf(
    Person("Person A", 31),
    Person("Person B", 25),
    Person("Person C", 52),

val adapter = createPersonAdapter()
recyclerView.adapter = adapter

And thats it!

submitData handles async diffing and publishes only changes to your data. For better performance it is recommended to include itemEquals and contentEquals in your adapter config. This is further explained a few sections below.